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Conscious RopePlay+

Conscious @RopePlay+ can be a slightly kinky expression in which you can meet yourself and others. Make space to discover what is most important to you. let you flow back towards your essence. And help you take charge of your safety and boundaries.




“Untie & connect”

Tantra shibari, is a Japanese rope bondage to bind, secure or lift a person's body for the purpose of pleasure, sensual stimulation and/or personal growth.

Tantra is a way of being able to connect purposelessly in total living energy, where you learn to view yourself and/or others in the now, to let go of how you relate and how you connect without having to do anything.

The combination of tantra and shibari can have an enormously liberating effect with clear agreements. Especially when it comes to the ways in which you deal with connection and contact with yourself. This is expressed during a session in the most challenging, elementary, enlightening and healing way.

A therapeutic session of tantra shibari can take different forms depending on the needs and goals of the participants.

In general, a session can proceed as follows:

Preparation: Before the session starts we take all the time to make clear agreements about what will happen during the session, what the boundaries are and what the safety words will be. We will also discuss what your goals are for the session and how you can get the most out of the experience.

Tantra Shibari can help with:

  • Personal growth: Practicing tantra shibari can be a way to explore one's own boundaries and limitations, as well as to develop self-awareness, self-acceptance and personal power.
  • Deepening contact with yourself: During the session, participants will focus on connecting with themselves and their own emotions, thoughts and sensations. This can be done, for example, through breathing exercises, meditation or by simply paying attention to what they feel and think.
  • Surrender: An important aspect of tantra shibari is giving up control. This may mean that the participant is surrendering to the person using the ropes, or it may mean that they are surrendering to their own emotions and feelings. This can help create a sense of trust and connection.
  • Soul Contact: During the session, participants will also work on strengthening their connection with themselves and each other on a deep level. This can be done through eye contact, touching or simply being in silence with each other. This can help create a feeling of connection and soul contact.
  • Emotional connection: The trust and communication necessary for tantra shibari can help create a deep emotional connection.
  • Stress reduction: Giving up control and letting go can be therapeutic and help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Attention: The focus and attention required in tantra shibari can help cultivate mindfulness and awareness in the here and now.
  • Physical pleasure: The ropes used in tantra shibari can provide a sensual, stimulating sensation on the skin, as well as pressure and support that can be erotic and pleasurable.

It is important to emphasize that a therapeutic session of tantra shibari always takes place in a safe and consenting manner; should be practiced with proper training and the use of appropriate safety measures.

If you are interested in a tantra shibari session or if you would like to know more, I would like to hear from you.

Nathan Knip @RopePlay

Hypnotherapy Almere

Virtual gastric band

Have you wanted to lose weight for years, but you still can't?

Have you tried all the diets without success?

Are you considering signing up for surgery, even if you have to gain weight first to qualify?

Before you make such a drastic decision, consider a virtual gastric band.

A virtual gastric band is a very effective method for tackling obesity.

How does this work?

The virtual gastric band is part of an integrated approach in which I work with a powerful combination of various therapies, hypnotic techniques and the virtual gastric band.

To maintain lasting results, you want to break old habits. You want to experience that you have the control to feel good, be satisfied with your body and be proud of yourself.

Perhaps you doubt yourself and are convinced that you will not succeed. With hypnosis you can break these old patterns, learn new beliefs and tackle underlying obstacles.

What can you expect from the virtual gastric band process?

A free consultation in which we discuss whether a virtual gastric band is a suitable option for you. We also discuss whether the goals you set are feasible.

Factors such as medication use, illness and life events can influence the success of the treatment. So it is important that we discuss this in advance.

You will receive personal guidance and home assignments.

Being overweight is often a result of trauma, insecurity or an unsafe childhood. Emotional eating is something that many people recognize. Eating to bury sadness, anger, loneliness or frustration is a common survival strategy.

In this case, food gives a feeling of comfort. If you recognize this, you use food not only as nourishment for your body, but also to eat away a negative feeling.

You may not recognize this at first, but subconsciously it can certainly play a role. It is important to get clarity about this, because I assume that you want lasting results.

Continuing with behavior that sabotages your treatment is not recommended.

In this case I recommend additional treatments so that we can work on this.

Would you like to know more about it first?

Very good.

Please contact me.


Would you like to have a good scare?

In October it was quite the atmosphere, scary on Halloween.

Especially in America they go crazy with skeletons, blood, severed limbs, spiders and knives.

It's fun as long as you know it's fake.

But what if you think it is real and that you are regularly confronted with it unexpectedly?

If you suffer from nightmares, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Every night when you go to sleep you have to wait and see what kind of night it will be.

Sometimes you just dread going to sleep, because who knows where you will end up next.

In a cemetery where zombies emerge from their graves?

In a dark alley, where a clown with a knife is chasing you?

In a forest, where you can no longer find your way and where it is teeming with scary animals?

If you often have nightmares, you may feel like you haven't slept a wink and that you are lacking sleep.

And the stress it brings isn't nice either, right?

Dreams are strange things, but interesting.

Many dreams are intended to process everyday things, these are processing dreams. Processing dreams are often incoherent, you cannot make sense of them.

Dreams with meaning are a different story. Recurring dreams and nightmares often have a message. If you pay attention, these types of dreams also have a theme. Drowning, chase, falling, violence.

Do you recognize a theme in your dreams?

Hypnotherapy is an excellent form of therapy that is very suitable for use in dreams and nightmares. Dreams are magical and so is hypnotherapy. Everything is possible in dreams and in a hypnotherapy session too.

You will be surprised how quickly you can understand dreams in one session.

Because you know what it is?

Dreams keep coming back until you unravel the message of the dream. The message is created by your subconscious, to make something clear to you.

As soon as you listen to what your subconscious wants to tell you and do something with it, the goal has been achieved. A dream can then disappear overnight.

Oh, another fact: a dream always has a positive message for you, no matter how bad the dream is. The reason the dream is so bad is that the message then has more impact and there is a greater chance that you will do something with it.

Are you curious about what your dream wants to tell you?

Make an appointment for a session at my practice.

Eigenheid, Kracht & Persoonlijke Oplossingen

Autumn dip?

How are you feeling when summer ends and autumn begins?

They sometimes say that some people become a bit depressed when the leaves fall.

Do you recognize that?

Or is depressed a big word, but do you still feel a bit down and have no idea where it comes from?

Because you don't hate autumn itself, am I right?

You can dress against the cold, you don't have to cycle in the rain and you love the colors of the trees.

But what makes you feel less cheerful, less energetic and simply less interested in things?

And whatever is crazy, why does it come back every year?

Like it's in the air or something.

Some feelings and thoughts we have do not make sense. And it is often difficult to find out where they come from. And that is also the irritating thing about it. If you don't know where it comes from, how can you fix it?


If you came to me for a consultation with this request for help, I would like to know everything about it:

-What feelings exactly do you have?

-When are these feelings strongest?

-Do you remember the first time you felt it in your life?

-What does it do to you that you feel this?

And many more questions.

But sometimes there is no answer to those questions. For example, when you had it for the first time. Some people really look at me like: …No idea….

So you won't get any further with that.


I can do something with that.

With hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy is a fantastic method of accessing someone's unconscious mind. There is much more information in the unconscious than in your conscious mind.

The unconscious knows what the feelings are about and when they arose.

This could be in your early childhood, during your birth or perhaps even before that, in a previous life.

It doesn't matter if you believe in this. You can trust that your subconscious will give you the answers you need at that moment.

In such a hypnotherapy session, surprising insights often emerge that really give you an AHA moment:

"Aha, so that's why I feel what I feel!"

If you know why you feel something... yes, that makes a difference! That gives you peace of mind, you no longer have to look for the cause and perhaps you can change it.

Maybe from now on you will no longer dread seeing those first leaves fall from the trees.


Breath therapy Almere Almere Liberation Solving blockade Almere Body Dearmouring Almere Bodywork Almere Burn-Out Therapie Almere To dream effective Individuality Emdr Therapy Almere Emotional balance Emotional entanglements experienced family constellations Holdingspace help Almere Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy Almere integrative therapy Power of desire Almere body-oriented Body-oriented psychotherapy Almere Massage Therapy Almere Relieved Surrender Personal power Almere Personal development Mental balance psychosomatics Almere Room Rust Spirituality Resolve stress Be stuck

Holding space

The core of my therapy is Holding Space. Holding Space is the space and safety in which you can develop yourself, while I stand next to you, without judgement, to guide you. Hypnotherapy, body-oriented therapy and massage are my 'tools' for this.

I am equal to you as a person, but I have acquired the knowledge and skills to help you move forward in your process. I have unwavering confidence in you as a client. I am convinced that you are capable of achieving your goals. You just need some guidance, that's all. That's why I don't see myself so much as a therapist, but more as a facilitator.

If you want to solve your problems, the essence is: Who are you really? Do you dare to look at your dark sides and at the same time see your beautiful qualities?

I help you in your search for meaning, self-compassion and your ability to be happy. You probably know that the solution lies outside your comfort zone, but it is terrifying to investigate.

In therapy it is often assumed that there is something wrong with a client and I assume that you are healthy.

I see you.

I know what it's like to lose connection with yourself, but I can also help you restore it.

Imagine that you are already your best self. That you can flourish if you can determine who you want to be.

My question to you: What do you need now to get where you want to be in your life?

Call or whatapp now for direct and personal contact Nathan Knip 06-55530450




“I have already been to a psychologist.”

When I start talking to people about what I do, I sometimes hear: “I have already been to a psychologist, so we have already discussed things from the past.”

Well, that doesn't mean anything to me. Just because you have been to a psychologist does not mean that the core of the pain has been touched. It does not mean that this best man or woman has reached the bottom stone. As long as you still struggle with uncertainty, perfectionism, emotions that are out of proportion to reality, there is still work to be done. Moreover, I believe that personal growth is never finished. There is always more to discover about yourself.

I understand that people sometimes make the comparison with my work and that of a psychologist if they have never been to me before. I know it is completely different and that my sessions have much more impact than just conversations. Talking about your youth and the qualities you would rather lose than be rich is fun, but you have probably done that many times before. You should know what terrible things people tell me with dry eyes. That's just because they've already told it a hundred times. It is logical that there will be little result. If you do what you did, you get what you got.

So why is hypnotherapy different?

Hypnotherapy is much more interactive. You come into contact with yourself and your emotions much more intensely. You remember things that were previously hidden. This gives you insights that are usually not achieved through talking. People are surprised again and again by their experiences and their AHA moments. The sessions also have a long lasting effect; weeks, months. Over time, pennies drop that can change your life. You are much more able to change behavior that used to be a persistent habit.

If you are willing to look at yourself objectively and with compassion, a Hypnotherapy process can solve issues that you have been dealing with for years.

What do you think?

Shall we see what we can still achieve together, even though you have already been to the psychologist?

Send me a message!


I don't want to be hypnotized!

“I don't want to be hypnotized. I don't like losing control.”

Do you think this too and is that the reason you haven't made an appointment yet?

If you think this, I can say with 99% certainty that you have never had a good hypnotherapy session.

Firstly, today's hypnotherapists no longer call it hypnosis, but trance.

Secondly, once you experience it, you will find that losing control is not an issue at all.

You have experienced trance many times, without even knowing it.

Have you ever had the experience of driving somewhere and being lost in thought, causing you to (almost) miss the exit?

Or that you didn't hear someone talking to you because your mind was somewhere else?

Or have you already mused about that wonderful holiday destination and did it feel like you were really there?

That's trance. I think you'll agree that you were still in control of yourself in these situations, even if your attention was elsewhere.

The same thing happens in the sessions. I ask you to go somewhere with your attention and experience this completely. I ask you questions about your experience and guide you to the answers to your request for help. You are as far into a trance as is necessary for that moment and you are perfectly capable of answering my questions.

If the fear of losing control is holding you back from hypnotherapy, I would really like to invite you to come and do an accessible session with me. Do not immediately tackle major problems, but simply experience how such a trance works under supervision. Believe me, afterwards you will say: “I was so concerned about this!”

In fact, during the trance you will have the feeling that you are completely present and that you can walk away at any moment. It is only when we complete the trance that you will feel like you have slept deeply. And that is good. This means that you were able to really connect with yourself, with your feelings and your intuition. Within yourself are the answers you are looking for.

Have I helped you a little with this? Do you look at trance differently now?


How many sessions do I need?

A question I often get from people who contact me is, “How many sessions do I need?”

That's the same question as: “How much does it cost to have my house renovated?”

What do you want to do then? Do you want to have your window frames painted, your walls wallpapered, a new bathroom, a bedroom designed, do you need new furniture, etc.?

It is not a 'one size fits all' solution and neither is hypnotherapy.

You have a different request for help than your neighbor, your colleague or your friend. Your background is different, your character is different and your emotional state is different. Even if you come in with the same complaint.

What we can do at most is estimate the number of sessions if I know what you want to achieve with the therapy. But then again, you decide when your goal is achieved. Some people have enough insights after three sessions to live their lives the way they want, but others need more.

Give yourself that time too. Why would you want to cram your growth and development into a fixed number of sessions? I can't work like that and you shouldn't want to either. Be open to the natural flow and be curious about what comes your way. Hypnotherapy is a magical method, it is always surprising what insights reveal themselves.

Are you still not sure whether hypnotherapy is something for you?

Send me a message with your question and I will think along with you and tell you what is and is not possible.

Practice for inner balance


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Are you the doormat?

Do other people always walk all over you? Do they not take your wishes into account at all?

Of course you try to stand up for yourself, but when someone wants something from you, you allow yourself to be overwhelmed every time. You want to say 'no', but you still hear yourself saying: “I'll do it, no problem”.

Later you are angry with yourself because you have allowed others to determine your life again. You now know exactly what you should have said, but yes, it's too late now. And the worst part is, you also know that you will react exactly the same way the next time.

But why?

You teach other people how to treat you and you choose to teach people that they can use you as a doormat. It's not surprising that people use you, is it? You don't stand up for yourself. It's too easy to let you do everything because you always say yes.

For fear that others will not like you. Afraid of being alone. The feeling that people get angry with you if you don't do what they say.

But you don't say that. You say: “I am happy when others are happy. I'm just a caring type.”

Don't kid yourself. Nobody likes to be treated like this. You are only afraid of the consequences if you do things differently.

I understand that, you know. Early in your life you were given the feeling that you had to adapt in order to be accepted. But that is no longer necessary. You survived and you grew up. That little child in you thinks it still has to be sweet and reacts primarily when others want to get something done from you.

I can help you. We are going to make contact with that little child in you to heal it, so that the adult you are no longer burdened with this.

Are you curious how we will do that? Please contact me.


Breath therapy Almere solving fears almere Liberation Solving blockade Almere Emdr Therapy Almere Hypnotherapy Almere Body-oriented psychotherapy Almere Letting go Massage Therapy Almere Relieved Personal power Almere

Stress is a choice

What do you think of this statement?

And how do you deal with stress?

What strikes me is that many people find stress increasingly logical. As if certain events and circumstances are stressful by definition.

Suppose you are very busy at work. And you have a manager who puts pressure on you to work even harder and perform better. You are fully committed, but appreciation? That's hard to find. You only hear it when something goes wrong. Your contract will soon expire and you are not at all sure that it will be extended. You don't have a financial buffer to pay your rent, so you need that job.

Most people would say this is a stressful situation.

But of course that is not the case. Stress is not a situation, fact or given. Stress is a feeling. It is also not an emotion, because it is underlying when you investigate within yourself what causes you to be stressed. What do you feel when you are stressed? Palpitations, rapid breathing, a bad feeling in your stomach, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, a dry mouth, many thoughts and being constantly alert? Something like that? What makes you feel this? The mere fact that you are put under pressure and perhaps lose your job does not cause complaints, does it?

It is the emotion that comes with it, the emotion that you create through your own interpretation of this situation. Could it be that you are afraid of being evicted and are upset at the idea of having to sleep on the streets? That outcome has not yet arrived, but you decide to anticipate it now. What if….?

If you can keep your attention in the here and now, it can give you a lot of peace. Base yourself on the facts. You are busy at work. Fine. You know how to do your job, there's nothing difficult about that. Someone can increase the pressure, but you decide whether to go along with it. You can choose to indicate your limit. You can continue worrying at home or you can do something fun. You can repeat the financial buffer story over and over again in your head, but it will not fill your bank account. It remains empty, while you are also sick, weak and nauseous from the stress. Waste of time, right?

I know it's not easy. We are human and sometimes we get carried away. But I can help you if you would like a little more control over this.

Contact me for an appointment so we can discuss what stress you would like to reduce.



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Hypnotherapy is magical

Hypnotherapy is magical Almere

“I've already been to the psychologist, so I don't know what else you can do for me.”

I hear various stories from people who have visited a psychologist with their psychological/emotional help needs.

Sometimes it didn't help them at all and sometimes they were given tools that they can use further.

The people who have not benefited from it still have the same problem and think they have done enough about it.

Hypnotherapy is really different from a consultation with a psychologist. Nothing against the psychologists, because they do fantastic work.

For some people, talking is simply not enough. Many people who suffer from a psychological/emotional complaint can talk about all the intense things from their youth with dry eyes. The worst things, huh? A father who committed suicide who they saw hanging in the stairwell, sexual abuse by an uncle that was brushed aside, forced to give up a baby for adoption, etc.

But yes, it also makes sense that it is easy to talk about it if you have already told it a hundred times. You may think that you are over it. But then you wouldn't have to ask for help now.

Hypnotherapy is different. It's not just talking. It's interactive. You are part of the problem and part of the solution. We will also really do something to reset your brain and body and restore balance. Talking reaches your conscious brain, your putting brain into perspective. Hypnotherapy penetrates to your core, your unconscious. That's where you need to be to get to the core of a problem.

How does that work?

Well, take parts work with emotions for example. Normally you talk about emotions. “Then that happened and then I felt scared. And when he said that I got very angry.” You tell a story about the past, but it no longer affects you as much as you have told it so many times. With part work I will help you explore the emotions. We give space to fear, for example. What's wrong with anxiety? How long has fear been in your life? What is fear really afraid of? What does fear need to cope better with life? How can fear be seen and heard and balanced with the other emotions?

It might sound a little weird and vague now if you haven't experienced this before, but that's okay. Hypnotherapy has something magical that you have to feel yourself. There is increasing evidence that hypnotherapy works, and rightly so.

Come experience it for yourself:

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An annoying guest

I don't know anyone who doesn't have it.

He's always there.

It's like a friend who comes over uninvited, never leaves, plunders your entire refrigerator and gives you all kinds of unsolicited criticism.

Vet is irritating.

You decide to do your own thing from now on and stop listening.

But unfortunately… that intention is short-lived. You just can't fight it.

Who am I talking about?

Your inner critic.

Your inner critic is that voice in your head that continuously tells you what you are doing wrong. If you listen to him, you will never have peace again, because it is never good enough.

This can make you extremely insecure, you don't dare to stand up for yourself, you adapt to others and you don't live the life you really want. Wow… that's bizarre, isn't it?

If you really had such a guest in your house, you would kick him out as quickly as possible, I hope, right?

Why don't we do that with this inner critic? Why do we give him so much power?

If you listen very carefully, another voice can also be heard, albeit very softly:

"You are doing your best.

You've worked hard, now you can relax.

Follow your heart, that will make you happy.

Just being is good enough.

Enjoy life.

You are really a nice, sweet, beautiful person.”

It's up to you which of the two you want to listen to. Because be honest: What that critic says is pure bullshit, right?

If you've been listening to him all your life, that's not easy to break. He will continue to bother you until the end.

Did you know that hypnotherapy and psychosocial therapy can work very well? For example, you will find out what the positive intention of this critic is. Or you learn when it came into your life and why. We can also allow those two voices to communicate with each other, so that the inner critic can also allow the other one in occasionally.

How wonderful would it be if you had peace of mind?

How nice would it be if you could think positively about yourself?

It is not difficult in itself, but you just have to be able to turn the switch.

I would be happy to help you with that.





Solving blockade Almere Burn-Out Therapie Almere Emdr Therapy Almere Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy Almere Power of desire Almere Embracing the shadow side of Almere

How much influence does your family have?

Do you keep doing things you don't want to?

Or are you not doing things that you want to do?

Do you feel like you're always sabotaging yourself and have no idea why?

That may have to do with the family you come from. Your father, your mother, brothers and sisters, they all influence you. Some more than others, but still. The bond between the different family members and the mutual relationships, it says more than you might think.

With hypnotherapy I can help you gain insight into how your family of origin still (unconsciously) influences your behavior and beliefs.

For example: Suppose you have a company that you would like to make successful. This often means that you have to make yourself visible on your website, on Social Media, etc. You are perfectly capable of taking photos, making a video or writing a post and you may even enjoy it. Yet you don't do it all. You feel uncomfortable with the idea of showing yourself to the outside world and you sabotage yourself with the thought that no one is waiting for you. So you just do nothing and blame yourself for it.

You may discover during a session that the belief 'just act normal, then you're acting crazy enough' is a persistent one. This appears to mainly come from your mother and you actually don't agree with it if you are honest. In the session, with the help of my suggestions, you will be able to let go of what is needed and give back what you no longer want to keep with you.

You are not supposed to blame others for what you have become, but it is nice if you understand why you do what you do.

It is much easier to change behavior and beliefs if you know the reason behind it. Often there are beautiful heart connections between family members that can be strengthened. You would rather not have other connections such as guilt, not feeling good enough, resentment or sadness, right?

In our session we will look at the different connections and I will help you release connections that no longer serve you.


Emdr Therapy Almere Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy Almere integrative therapy Power of desire Almere body-oriented Body-oriented psychotherapy Almere Personal power Almere Embracing the shadow side of Almere

Stomach ache

Abdominal pain is very common in adults and children. In most cases, no physical cause for the pain is found. Sometimes the pain is made worse by eating certain foods. The annoying thing is that over the years more and more sensitivity is developed to all kinds of foods. This means that you have to continuously take it into account.

Just going out for a meal is no longer so common. You must know exactly what is in all dishes: certain herbs, onions, garlic, cabbage, peppers, shellfish, nuts, etc. must be carefully removed. Basically it means that you don't order the dish in advance, because you never know...

Many people cannot get rid of these types of complaints. In fact, they are increasingly taking their complaints into account, which limits them more and more.

You might not have thought it, but did you know that hypnotherapy is very effective for abdominal complaints? It is even known in conventional medicine that hypnotherapy can really reduce the complaints. This is also positive for regular doctors, because at least they can now refer their patients. Since they cannot provide effective treatment themselves, it is very nice that hypnotherapy can be such a nice addition to regular care.

Do you want to know whether hypnotherapy can also work for you?



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Treating physical complaints with hypnotherapy

Physical complaints can be very annoying, because they often hinder you in your daily life and because you often do not know where they come from. A complaint creeps in or seems to come out of nowhere. And then try to get rid of it again…

You often hear that you should listen to your body. 'Yes, nice then', I hear you thinking. 'I listen well, but my body really doesn't tell me what the problem is and how to solve it.'

No, your body cannot indeed talk. It speaks a completely different language than we do and that is difficult. However, there are ways to find out why a complaint has developed in your body.

As a hypnotherapist I can help you, because with the help of hypnotherapy I can determine the underlying cause. If serious conditions have been ruled out, I invite you to make an appointment. Together we will investigate the underlying cause of your complaints.

The great thing about these kinds of insights is that you can do something yourself. You will cooperate with your body instead of fighting.

Please contact us to submit your complaint.




solving fears almere Solving blockade Almere Body Dearmouring Almere Bodywork Almere Burn-Out Therapie Almere Emdr Therapy Almere help Almere Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy Almere Power of desire Almere Body-oriented psychotherapy Almere Personal power Almere psychosomatics Almere Embracing the shadow side of Almere Trauma Therapy Almere

Recurring dreams

We all dream. Not everyone can remember the dream the next day. Your brain needs dreams to process all the information of the day. Bits and pieces are put into place. What should be kept and what should be thrown away? In other words, what doesn't need to be remembered and what needs to be stored in memory? You can compare it a bit with defragging a computer. All information is structured. So dreaming is normal and most dreams we have are processing dreams.

Sometimes you have experienced something that has an emotional impact. Maybe you were almost hit by a car and you were scared out of your mind. Then it is not surprising if you dream about it that night. Or have you had an argument with someone and does that affect you? Then that can come back in your dream.

Your brain works differently when you sleep. The part that can put things into perspective and think logically is less active. This is why dreams are often so crazy. Your imagination has free rein to exaggerate, distort and create metaphors.

As a therapist, when I advise you to do something with dreams, it is when you keep dreaming the same thing. Do you often dream that you are lost, lost or looking for things? Or are you always late in your dreams and does that cause a lot of stress? Are you regularly chased or attacked? Other common themes are death, being able to fly, sex or fears that are magnified.

In this case you are dealing with recurring dreams and recurring dreams are messages from your unconscious. There is something you are putting away and your subconscious wants to bring it to your attention. Apparently it is important that you do something with it. The moment you understand what this dream wants to tell you, the dream often does not come back.

If you find it exciting to do something with this in therapy, know that dreams are often extremely exaggerated, due to the great influence of your fantasy. An intense dream often has a mild, positive message for you. In a way it is also a good thing that your subconscious exaggerates the dream a bit, otherwise you probably wouldn't do anything with it, right?

Working with dreams often gives very nice sessions and wonderful insights. Are you curious about what your dream has to tell you?

Contact me to make an appointment and I will see you in my practice soon!

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That's just the way I am

How often do you hear people say it?

Do you say it regularly yourself? "That's just the way I am. “

Whether you often say it yourself or hear others say it, pay attention to what you are actually saying. In fact you indicate that no change, no growth is possible. There is a limitation. That's just how you are. In other words, we just have to make do. You just have to make do with it.

A dead end road. A wall. And that's it.

That's the first point I wanted to make.

The second point is: What are you like when you say “that's just how I am?” What is that 'so'?

Are you impatient, gullible, confident, stubborn, distrustful, open-hearted, patient, competitive, perfectionist, caring, selfish, loving?

If you say you are one, you are not the other. If you are impatient, you are not patient. So if you are caring, you are not selfish. Is that useful? Or would you give yourself more freedom if you decided that you could sometimes be something else?

In hypnotherapy sessions I often work with parts. By making contact with the different parts of yourself, you can understand yourself better and accept that sometimes you are one thing and sometimes another.


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Always whining in the family?

Is there always nagging in your family?

Your mother who always plays the victim role and resents you for not calling every day. Your sister who has thrown out yet another bad man and comes to you to cry. Arguments between your father's brothers and sisters, in which you are involved against your will. Divorces and deaths in the family bring out the worst in your family members when there is money to be had.

You might think that there is nothing you can do about this and that you are just unlucky to have been born into this family. Still, it is interesting to see what themes are going on in your family and what role you are always forced into.

Are you the shoulder to cry on? Or are you the ideal scapegoat, who is blamed for everything? Or do you feel responsible for your family's happiness?

If you were to see all the vicissitudes in your family as a play, what would you notice? Where does everyone stand on stage and how do they relate to each other and to you?

I can help you identify the common thread that runs through your lives. This can help you gain insights into your mutual relationships. And above all: Who are you in this whole story? If there is one life lesson to be learned, what would it be?

Your relationships with others say much more about you than about the others. There is often a reason why you are with certain people in your life. Finding out what that reason is usually changes your view of these relationships. And very special, from that moment on you can notice that certain relationships themselves change, without you having really done anything.


Afraid of spiders?

Afraid of spiders. It really is an incredibly common fear, especially among women.

And why?

You probably also know that that little cross spider won't sink its gigantic teeth into you or strangle you with its enormous legs until you drop dead.

It is an irrational fear. There are spiders that are life-threatening, but they are not the spiders that roam our homes here.

Yet there are many people who freeze completely when they see a spider.

If there is one in your bedroom, do you still dare to go to bed?

And if there's one on your car's dashboard while you're driving, could you cause an accident out of panic?

If you want to do something about it, hypnotherapy is worth a try. There are methods to tackle phobias so that you can react more calmly the next time you encounter a spider. Or maybe you want to investigate where your fear of spiders comes from so that you can get rid of it.

Please contact me and we will discuss the possibilities.


Why do you do what you do?

I'm sure you don't always wonder why you say, think, do or feel something?

No, that's what I thought. That would make your head quite busy.

There are also people who do not think at all about why they do something.

There is always someone or something that can be held responsible when we think, feel or do something.


If you're an introvert and feel uncomfortable in groups, it's a challenge when meeting new people. At a training course, at work, at a party, you are confronted with it regularly. You may have a tendency to wait and not approach people. You're actually waiting for someone else to include you in the conversation. If that doesn't happen, a lot of things will automatically go through your mind:

'I'm not interesting enough. Nobody is waiting for me. I'm not as smart as those others either. Apparently I'm boring. It's stupid that no one says anything to me. I don't need it either, I can be alone just fine. I'm just not much of a group person. Besides, these people aren't that interesting either. I like deep conversations and I choose my own people. I don't really need to fit in.'

While you say this to yourself, you also notice that this does not take away the unpleasant feeling. It doesn't make you feel any better. In fact, you feel rejected and alone. And it's so easy to blame others for that.

However, if you want to grow as a person, it is good to be interested in your own way of doing things. Your reaction says nothing about the other person, but everything about you. What are the facts? People talk to each other and not to you. No more and no less. You attach the idea that they don't need you there.

Is that true?

Are you sure that's true?

Could there be another reason why they haven't talked to you (yet)?

How does it make you feel that they ignore you (your interpretation)?

This last question is very important. What emotion do you feel about it? When in your life have you felt this emotion before? Go as far back in your memory as possible. You often end up somewhere between 0 and 7 years old. During that period you are introduced to certain emotions for the first time. As soon as you experience a similar situation again later in your life, your brain will quickly make the link with that first time. As a result, everything is made much bigger than necessary and you cannot properly put things into perspective. If you take a step back and see what's really happening, you can do something different. In this case, just approach the group yourself. What you fear is probably not going to happen.

In hypnotherapy we unravel what is going on in your head, where it comes from and what it takes to stop those annoying thoughts.


Can't you see the forest for the trees?

Do you have to do so many things that have caused you to lose structure in your life?

Have you been deeply affected by an event and are you experiencing a tangle of emotions?

Or will you break the record 'number of thoughts in 1 minute'?

Sometimes so much goes through our minds that we can no longer see the forest for the trees. That causes unrest and stress. Which gives you even more worrying thoughts and even more unrest.

What is needed?

Clarity, confidence and overview.

We look for this during a hypnotherapy session. Because I know that you have all the answers within you. I help you connect with the part of you that knows exactly what is important at this moment.

What would it be like to experience peace in your mind? What would it be like to automatically get the answers you need?

Some people think that they have to undergo therapy for a very long time to change themselves and experience that peace. Surprised and amazed, they say after a session: “I have never looked at it like that before. I now see what it's really about for me.”

Suddenly they see the forest and the clear path they are walking through that forest.

What a great job I have.





Voices in your head?

Voices in your head??

Then you must be going crazy?

No, we all have them. Don't you ever hear voices that say:

“Don't do that, you can't do that.”

“She just says that to annoy you.”

“Do you really think anyone is waiting for your story?”

“Don't be so selfish, you can do something for yourself another time.”

In hypnotherapy we call that sharing, all those voices. There are even parts that say the exact opposite.

For example, part of you is the 'Hedonist'. He loves to take every spare minute to go outside, sit on a terrace, lie in the sun or do something else fun. Another part is the 'Responsible'. This draws the 'Hedonist' back because there are much more important things to do. The car still needs to be washed, the ironing still needs to be done and the administration doesn't do itself either. They are constantly in conflict with each other. With a bit of bad luck, the 'Responsible' usually wins, which means that the 'Enjoyer' is extremely disappointed when you get behind the computer again to arrange the banking affairs.

Another part could be, for example, the 'Caring One'. The 'Caring One' does everything for everyone and always wants to help. Helping and being there for others is the biggest priority. To what extent is this part dominant for you?

And then the 'Critic'. Oops, the 'Critic' is very present in many people's minds and ruins everything. The 'Critic' constantly tells you what you have done wrong and keeps putting you down. It's really never good enough, no matter what you do. Sometimes there is a little voice that says, “Hey, that was pretty good!” Enjoy it, because the 'Critic' is quick to say what's wrong.

Every part is there for a good reason. Yes, even the 'Critic'. The "Critic's" goal is usually to protect you. If you don't stand out too much and don't do too much, you won't be disappointed or hurt.

Your inner parts hate being suppressed. That is the tendency we have, to not allow unpleasant parts, but that is not going to work. Strangely enough, the parts leave you more alone when they are heard. They just want some understanding and attention for their positive intention.




What if someone had been there for you?

What if there had been someone who would have stood up for you?

What if there had been someone to comfort you?

What if there had been someone you could be yourself with?

Childhood trauma is not just abuse, abuse or intense events. It is also a lack of love. Lack of appreciation. Lack of motivation. Lack of an emotionally safe environment.

Now that you're an adult, you can give yourself what you didn't have before. But many of us have no idea how to do that. In fact, we continue to be hard on ourselves. We say to ourselves: 'Don't appoint, just get on with it.' "If people really knew you, they wouldn't like you." "You're nothing." 'You really have no talent. ' 'No one is waiting for you.'

You probably know a few yourself?

You didn't come up with all these negative beliefs as an adult. In your youth you had these thoughts about yourself because someone else did or said something. At that moment you have drawn a conclusion about yourself and you have become insecure about yourself.

The bad thing is that you not only have these nasty thoughts about yourself as an adult, but your inner child is also brought down with this every day. He or she will never again receive the comfort, love and empathy from you that he or she needs.

Can you imagine being that hard on your own child? Or another child you know?

No, definitely not. Then stop being so mean to your own inner child right now. That little one doesn't deserve that harsh approach.

With hypnotherapy you can go back to the moment when you (wrongly) picked up certain beliefs. You will see why you brought this into your adult life. And even better, you will be able to put events into perspective and help your inner child instead of judging it.

Contact me to make an appointment to reconnect with the child in you who is waiting for your loving attention.


What are you carrying with you?

What are you carrying with you?

We have to endure quite a bit in our lives. Even if you consider yourself reasonably stable, life is not always easy.

You can imagine if, like many of us, you also carry feelings of uncertainty, fear, anger, doubt, unrest or sadness.

Sometimes you know exactly where that comes from. You have lost someone you loved very much. Or you were fired in a lame way. Or you have had a serious accident from which you barely recovered. Then you know why you are sad, angry or afraid. The idea is that you process these events and move on with your life. You may learn something from it, but at least you can continue.

What if you can't continue? What if your feelings keep attacking you again and again, for no reason?

And, even more annoying, what if you are dealing with feelings that cannot be traced back to something you have recently experienced? What is there to process if you don't know where your feelings come from?

Our brain is a crazy thing and much of it is not yet clear, but what is clear: It protects us. It protects us from unpleasant emotions that we may not be able to handle. At least, from the brain's perspective. It wants to protect us from everything that is painful. Very sweet, but it also means that we no longer remember many things from the past. We think we still have all the memories from our youth, but trust me, most of them are hidden far away. In itself that wouldn't be so bad, but it bothers us. Every time we feel bad, it is a vague memory of what once was, without us understanding it. If we don't understand it, we can't do anything with it. Grrr…annoying…

What can help us?

Hypnotherapy helps you bring out what you need to heal. And that can go back a long way. To when you were 15, or 7, or 2. Or when you were in the womb. Maybe there was something wrong with your mother during the pregnancy and you took over that energy. Or does the source of your feelings lie much further back, in a previous life.


As a hypnotherapist, I assume that your subconscious has the answers to your request for help. Where your unconscious leads you, I will follow. And I help you connect the answers you get to the questions you have.

Do you find this exciting?

Do not have to. I can guarantee that you will always remain aware of yourself, my presence and the here and now. We will stay in touch during the session and you can simply answer my questions. It will feel to you as if you are engaged in some kind of meditation.


Are you having trouble quitting smoking?

smoking woman

Do you still smoke, but would you rather not anymore?

Things are not made easy for smokers either. You are no longer allowed to smoke indoors anywhere and it has become unaffordable.

There are more reasons not to smoke than to do so.

It is unhealthy, expensive and no, it does not help combat stress, even though people do use it for that. 'Relax with a cigarette...'

The ability to be calm and calm is within you. The moment you become dependent on something from outside, such as smoking, alcohol or drugs, you are addicted to something that only provides temporary relief.

You don't want that, do you?

How nice would it be if you gained insight into why you actually smoke and how you can solve it in a different way? And what would it be like for you if you no longer had to worry about whether you still have enough cigarettes at home? Because you simply no longer have that urge to smoke?

And think of all the other benefits you have when you stop smoking. You save a lot of money, which you can use for really fun things. Your skin will look better. Your condition will improve. Your body becomes healthier. The risk of disease decreases. You no longer smell like an ashtray.

Let me help you. Hypnotherapy is an effective method to help you quit smoking.

Please contact me for an appointment.

integrative therapy

Back in time

little girl with flower

If you have ever heard of hypnotherapy, you may also know that regression can be a part of it.

Regression involves going back in time in a trance. Back to a moment when you first encountered an emotion, a body feeling or a thought.

This feeling often takes you back to a moment in your youth, because as a child we first come into contact with certain emotions in the first years of our lives. We experience for the first time what it is like to feel abandoned, lost, sad, angry, lonely or frustrated. When we feel that emotion again in the years that follow, it is unconsciously linked to this moment.


Suppose that now, in your adult life, you often have feelings of being left out. Every time you meet new people, you notice that you feel a little awkward and that you have difficulty making contact. You have the feeling that they like you less than others. That causes you to withdraw and hope that they will involve you. In the end you always feel alone and not good enough to belong.

Realistically, you have no reason to think you're not nice or likable, so why do you keep feeling that way?


In trance you make contact with yourself and your unconscious. The putting brain into perspective becomes less active so that there is more room for intuition and feeling. Memories from the past are much more accessible in trance. The feeling of being left out, of feeling alone and not good enough, takes you back to an important, earlier moment in this life when you had this same feeling.

Images and feelings from the past come up. A strong image emerges of you on the schoolyard, while that one girl tells you that you can't play because you are ugly and stupid. At that moment you (unconsciously) started to believe that you are not good enough and that others do not want you around.

The valuable thing about this insight is that you now know that it was a snapshot and that this event says nothing about who you really are. The therapy can involve even more, such as investigating what the girl's motivation was and healing your inner child, there on that schoolyard.


When we look at our inner child from a distance, we do so with much more compassion than how we now judge ourselves as adults. We are so hard on ourselves. But if we can realize that behind our shortcomings, insecurities, bravado, compensatory behavior and hard beliefs there is a small child who needs genuine attention, we can free ourselves from judgment.

Would you like to know where recurring feelings of insecurity, fear, anger, etc. come from so that you can heal them?

Please contact us to make an appointment.



Therapie Coaching Training

I find hypnotherapy scary!

“I find hypnotherapy scary! Soon I'll think I'm a chicken!”

I think hypnotherapists have heard this more than once when they talk about what they do. Of course, this statement is only made by people who have never undergone a good hypnotherapy session. Because if you have experience with that, you know that it is not scary.

The image we know of hypnosis goes back to the 1990s, when Rasti Rastelli amazed everyone with his hypnosis shows. He made people lie as stiff as a board on two backs of chairs. He managed to get people to not flinch when he placed them on pieces of glass and stood on top of them. And that with that lemon? Incredible. How can anyone eat a lemon as if it were a sweet pastry?

It's all fun to watch. Until you are asked to undergo hypnosis yourself. Maybe, just like Rasti Rastelli, that therapist makes you think you are a chicken or a frog and you walk around the room croaking or croaking. You have completely lost control of yourself until the hypnotist decides to take you out of this paralyzing trance!

Yes, if you see it that way, then I understand that you are not eager to solve your problems and conflicts with hypnotherapy.

There is just a very big difference between a hypnosis show and hypnotherapy as therapy. Isn't the idea of a hypnosis show supposed to be spectacular and a bit bizarre? If Rasti were to do a 'normal' session on someone's lack of self-confidence, it would undoubtedly be very valuable for that person, but a bit boring to watch for us. It's show, entertainment! Moreover, all participants agree to him putting them under hypnosis. Nothing happens that they don't want. And, their own unconscious does not blindly participate in something that really goes beyond their limits.

There is a similarity there with hypnotherapy as used by therapists. Nothing happens that you don't want, because it is agreed in advance what can be worked on. Your unconscious mind provides the answers you need at this time in your life, so you can always trust that nothing will come up that you can't handle. There is also regular communication during a session. I ask you questions and give you suggestions and you can just answer.

And then, walking around like a chicken??

When would that apply in a therapeutic setting? If you have confidence in the therapist, there is no reason for him to want to have total control over you, right? It is precisely the interplay between client and therapist that provides such wonderful insights for you as a client.

Are you curious about what hypnotherapy can do for you? Would you like to experience hypnotherapy without immediately having to work on repressed emotions or a bad childhood? Then let's do a session to get to know it in an accessible way.

Send me an email:



Can you prevent addiction?

'Addiction runs in our family'

The way some people talk about addictions, you would think you are a victim of circumstances. If your father, grandfather and older brother are alcoholics, does that mean this fate awaits you too? That there is no escape, because 'it just runs in the family'?

But that would be crazy, because then everyone who has addicts in the family would also have to become addicted. That is not true. There are many people who have alcoholics, drug addicts, gambling addicts, etc. in their family, but who themselves do not drink a drop or have never touched a slot machine.

What do you actually inherit?

You can make a link between people who become addicted and their addicted family, but it is more interesting to see that people do not become addicted, despite their addicted family. What do you actually inherit? Apparently there is no gene that guarantees that you will become an alcoholic if your mother is one. What you can inherit is the way in which difficult things in life are dealt with. What people who are addicted have in common in 9 out of 10 cases is that they have experienced things in their lives that you would not wish on someone else: Parents who could not give love, an unsafe home, not being able to be themselves, being unwanted. or traumatic experiences. If you don't learn to deal with emotional events in a healthy way, you can't be an example for your children. Children watch how their parents deal with life to learn how life works.

How do you avoid doing the same thing?

By becoming aware of why you do what you do. Observe yourself in difficult situations. How do you respond? Can you talk about your emotions with someone? Or do you clam up and withdraw? Are your own emotions allowed? Saying, “That's just the way I am,” isn't going to help you. Of course, you have acquired certain behavior from home. But when you're an adult, you can decide who you want to be. Do you want to be someone who can express yourself and wants to share feelings? Then stop behaving like your parents did. You always have a choice. And if you find it difficult to change, seek help. You don't have to do it alone.

What can I do for you?

Hypnotherapy is a great method to treat addiction. I use it to work on the underlying cause of the addiction. Now that you've read this, you may understand that it's not purely a matter of self-discipline. The reason you are prone to addiction needs to be worked on to stop this behavior.


What is Trauma?

When we think of trauma we often think of abuse, war or rape. That can be very traumatic indeed. Whether it results in trauma depends on the person. Not everyone experiences that. Some people experience something intense, process it and move on with their lives. Others experience something similar and it haunts them for the rest of their lives.

Who did you tell?

Firstly, it is very important for people to have someone near them who can help them. Someone who takes them in, listens to them, holds them and shows understanding. A characteristic of trauma is that the traumatized person was alone with his/her emotions, for example because it was not possible to tell anyone.

Secondly, you cannot say whether an event is traumatic. Anything that makes an emotional impact has the potential to become a trauma. For example, if you constantly felt unsafe as a child and you were always on your guard, that alertness can always remain with you. That is also a trauma, because at the slightest feeling of insecurity, you are reminded (also unconsciously) of that time and you notice the emotional consequences. Your entire body has been on alarm mode for years, causing stress hormones to circulate through your body. That's not healthy, as you can imagine.

Traumas are treatable

I specialize in trauma treatment. I would like to help you calm your body by processing your traumas in a responsible way.

Make an appointment to get acquainted and discuss your request for help.


The magic of the unconscious

The unconscious is still largely a mystery. We know how people react and we can make a good estimate of why that is the case, but we don't know the details yet.

We are pre-programmed

It is said that about 95% of everything we do and think is controlled by our unconscious mind. In the first 7 years of our lives we learn from our educators/parents how the world works and how we should deal with it. Even if they don't tell you exactly what to do, follow your example. If your mother set the bar terribly high for herself, why wouldn't you do the same for yourself? Even though she never showed you that she had expectations, it is not surprising that you impose things on yourself. You imitate what you have seen. And that happens so gradually and automatically that it is programmed into your subconscious. You don't think about it anymore. Just like you no longer have to think about how to tie your shoelaces.

Hypnotherapy is one of the ways to turn programmed negative beliefs and emotions into something positive. This happens in a trance.

Trance may not be what you think

Trance may sound vague or scary, but it is not at all. You have to deal with it almost every day:

-When you are completely absorbed in a book or film that you forget everything around you.

-When you stare outside or daydream.

-When you meditate.

-When you suddenly realize on the road that you missed the exit because your mind was somewhere else.

What is going on in your inner world?

In trance you have access to another world: your inner world. Here you can do what you want, be who you want and decide what you want differently in your life. There are various options for easily becoming acquainted with trance and hypnotherapy.

Send me a message if you'd like to give it a try!

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Getting to know your inner parts with hypnotherapy

"That's just the way I am"

Have you ever heard yourself say it?

But what are you like?

A perfectionist? A caring type? A creative person? An outdoorsman?

It's interesting to look at who you think you are, but also who you think you are not. I think we have everything within us, only some parts are more developed than other parts. That doesn't matter, unless you ignore certain parts of yourself, push them aside or don't want to allow them at all.

Suppressed emotions are monsters

Your anger, for example. If you are very kind, you may find that anger is not part of it. The moment you have reason to be angry, you put those feelings away and go back to playing the role that suits you best: being nice.

Suppressed anger is like a monster in the closet. It's well hidden there, but sooner or later it wants to come out and then the turnips are properly cooked. The same goes for sadness. Many people were not allowed to cry as children. As they grow up, they have adopted that as their own belief and can no longer express sadness.

There are various emotions and thoughts that we do not like to see in ourselves. Our monsters. But they are there and they are not going away. In the worst case, it causes conflict within yourself and all those repressed emotions cause physical complaints.

Working with parts

In Hypnotherapy we have a method called: 'Working with parts'. The purpose of this method is: To make visible the parts involved in a specific conflict or a specific request for help.

For example: Marianne has been an informal caregiver for her mother for years, in addition to her busy job. Her mother demands a lot of attention, but since she has dementia, she cannot be blamed for that. Marianne often has to cancel her private appointments because her mother often calls on her. Marianne is very sweet and patient. Her mother has always taken care of her, so now it's her turn to take care of her. She finds it difficult, but enjoys doing it, she says. During the session 'working with parts' it emerges that the parts 'Guilt', 'Anger' and 'Sadness' are not allowed to show themselves often. 'Anger' thinks that Marianne is not doing the right thing by ignoring herself like this. There must also be room for your own time! 'Sorrow' finds it difficult that mother has dementia, it feels like losing her mother. 'Guilt' goes against 'Anger' and believes that 'Anger' should not be so selfish.

Working with parts is a wonderful method to gain understanding for the different parts and to make them work together instead of judging each other.

Would you like to experience such a session? Contact me!

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What story are you telling yourself?

Consciously or unconsciously, we tell ourselves stories. Stories about ourselves, others and the world. You can also call these stories beliefs.

Beliefs are thoughts about how we think something is or should be. Sometimes we make these beliefs ourselves, but most of the time they are leftovers from our childhood. Who you were raised determines how you think about certain things. For the first 7 years of your life you are a kind of sponge. You are incredibly receptive and impressionable. You still have to learn how life works and the most important people who have to teach you that are your parents/guardians. Then it is not surprising at all that you adopt their opinions and thoughts. How they see the world is how you will see the world.

For example, you can have beliefs like:

“I have to use my time wisely.”

“If you were born on a dime, you will never become a quarter.”

“I have to take care of others first and then think about myself.”

“You can always do better.”


“I'm just a perfectionist, there's nothing I can do about that.”

Many of these thoughts/beliefs do not bring you anything positive. In fact, they hinder you and keep you in the role of victim. If you are not so concerned with what your beliefs are, you will not be able to make changes in your life.

What do you believe about yourself, your health, your love life, your financial situation, your relationships? And are these beliefs your own or do you hear someone from your past speaking when you think this? Does this voice sound like your father or mother's? Whether you think they are yours or someone else's, ask yourself:

Is it true?

Can you be 100% sure it's true?

Do you have proof that it is 100% true?

Or are there also arguments that prove the opposite?

Are these beliefs helpful in what I want to achieve in my life?

It is not that easy to simply start believing something different if you have been carrying these beliefs with you all your life. They are so ingrained in your subconscious that you sometimes don't even realize that they are adopted beliefs. But in the meantime, they can hinder you in your daily life.

The good news is that you can take control of your own life. You ultimately decide how you want to live your life and what you want to believe. I am happy to help you resolve limiting beliefs. It can be very liberating to let go of your beliefs, so that you can form your own beliefs.




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